coming in the clouds

4,349 updates
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watchingforfire 3 years ago

Your website is looking more polished.

1 like
comingintheclouds 3 years ago

Thanks, I wanted to be more organised, so I took inspiration from your website layout.

1 like
Hey man. Loving the updates. Some unsolicited advice. Try to compress your website banner cloud pic or reduce resolution or both. Just look online for a jpg compressor and run the cloud pic through it and you should get a smaller file size. Having a large file load on every page can slow load time or even make other images on the page not load sometimes.
1 like
comingintheclouds 3 years ago

Thanks for letting me know, I will look for one to resolve the issue.

1 like

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJan 7, 2021
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