Charms Ponies

1,737 updates
0 tips
This is a fun site! Love just clicking through old cards… Especially since I keep going “Hey I have that one” since I collected a lot as a kid lol. Good work overall! It’d be fun if the site had a checklist or something of the sort to keep track of which cards you’ve seen during that session or something!
pokemonboosterpack 1 year ago

Thank you so much. This has crossed my mind, even adding "achievements" to be saved across sessions in localstorage for finding all cards in a set, or opening a certain amount of packs, or other milestones. I do have a checklist for the GBC cards on the old version of the site in the meantime:

1 like
Love your site and all the cool images and colors and animatronic stuff!
1 like
klaudeisbored 1 year ago

THANK YOUU i LOVE THE MLP SITE!! So in depth! Also is that fizzy I spot in the photo on the front page? :3

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charmsponies 1 year ago

Yes it’s fizzy! Beloved pony <3

This is fun!
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1 like
Hi! I've seen your customs on MLPTP - it's so awesome that you have a pony site! Going to follow and excited to see what you do with your site!! :D
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charmsponies 1 year ago

Yess I’ve seen you on there too! Pony sites forever <3

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Last updated 20 hours ago
CreatedNov 9, 2023
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mlp customization toys restoration mylittlepony