Owie yeow

25 updates
0 tips
plastical vegetables, doe they taste like cheap chinese toys brittle plastics or quality electronics plastics
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plasticveggies 2 months ago

id say chinese toys but i like chinese food so

Owie yeow was updated.
3 months ago
wake up u little rascal, wake up
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plasticveggies 3 months ago

i cant, too busy bedmaxxing...................

why image brokemn......... why imag broken #porfavorfix
plasticveggies 3 months ago

working on it but recovering 3yrs worth of images kinda hard >_<;

Owie yeow was updated.
3 months ago
Owie yeow was updated.
3 months ago
i love the lil guy on your index page...
1 like
cardmagica 3 months ago

oh wow, i did NOT expect anyone to see my dumb page lol, thanks! he is a character of a comic im planning to make!

1 like
Owie yeow was updated.
3 months ago

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJan 6, 2024
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comic art personal weird