Snipers BIOS

7,367 updates
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V1.40 IS OUT! Thank you for participating in the event. It is now gone from the website.
Realized the timers worked on local time and not MDT. Just fixed that.
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1 like
bluesnipersguy 10 months ago

divsel always on time with the update likes

Time is ticking on the event! Once it's over it's gone for good.
1 like
Fixed in the V1.31 Patch! The memory issues are fixed on every page. Shouldn't have the issue of your computer commiting explode anymore.
Hey... You might have noticed some lagging on the website or computer lagging as of recently. The Version Script that was added in V1.30 is currently causing high memory issues. Please stand by as I fix the high memory issues.
V1.30 is OUT! The Automatical Radical Update! (it was not fun to get out)

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedApr 17, 2024
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