moved :)

827 updates
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moved :) was updated.
3 years ago
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moved :) was updated.
3 years ago
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69 pageviews ;)
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moved :) was updated.
3 years ago
moved :) was updated.
3 years ago
hey i came across ur site and !!!!!!!! i really like it!!! i added u to my little button collection on my page.. i just wanted to drop by and say that since you don't have a guestbook of sorts (not saying you need one i just rly like your site)
bennycola 3 years ago

such a late reply bc i didnt have comment access, but tysm!! i really appreciate it and i like ur site too! the aesthetic of it is just. woagh. ill add ur button to my site too once i start my links page ^^

moved :) was updated.
3 years ago
moved :) was updated.
3 years ago
moved :) was updated.
3 years ago
moved :) was updated.
3 years ago

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedDec 7, 2020
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