Beacon Alcove

1,674 updates
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New blog post about unsubstantiated beliefs I hold.
I love your physical media post. I think it's so nice to own something tangible that you can give to someone else or share or whatever. It's /yours/. Can't do that with Netflix. Can't wait to hear more of what you have to say.
lostbookmark 2 months ago

Thanks so much! I poked around your website and love the way you decorated it. Looking forward to what you write too!

1 like
Thank you so much for the follow!! Your site is so cool!!! I love the aesthetic a lot, and I can't help but notice one of my fav books on the left side of your page :3 can't wait to read more of your site!!
beacon-alcove 2 months ago

What's so funny is that I was reading your site and saw you liked The Three-Body Problem and decided it was an automatic follow.

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December blog post. It isn't worth the read. It's just an update.

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedAug 5, 2024
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