10am - WELCOME

120 updates
0 tips
CUTE......also i see steven there in the changelog....good taste
1 like
milo-html 1 year ago

OMG haha i was just browsing neocities on this account, and then i see your comment on my other account/website (10am) wow lol. and tysm!! ;)

10am - WELCOME was updated.
1 year ago
10am 1 year ago

I'm a bit too lazy to fix the div appearing outside of the container. If you change the size of your screen (ctrl -/+) it'll show up correctly

10am - WELCOME was updated.
1 year ago
Arrgh I think it's time to upload the half finished website. It doensn't have much content yet but I *might* add some more later.
The homepage, changelog, guestbook and landing page are finished! I will now start with the content of the website :)

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJan 30, 2023
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