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Why a website?

Freedom Comes at a price:

Reject Social Media use Personal Websites and RSS
Reject Chat Apps use Signal and Matrix bridges
Reject Cloud Storage use a personal NAS
Reject Chrome use Brave
Reject VPNs use Tor
Reject MacOS AND Windows use Linux
Reject iOS AND Android use CalyxOS
Reject Notion use Obsidian
Reject Streaming use BlueRay
Reject Spotify use Vinyl

!!! This site is still under construction. I'm working hard to finish it :D !!!

>>> MY DISCORD <<<

What you can expect from this site once it's setup:
  • Blog (RSS)
  • My Art: photography, drawing, youtube, software
  • Linking to my fav creators
  • Plenty Virtue Signalling
  • Shrines for games, music, movies, shows, anime
  • Login so friends can get exclusive content
  • Credits (this font is not mine)
  • Email: