vamp lovers

1,041 updates
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vamp lovers was updated.
7 months ago
i know it's been a while and nobody really cares about this website but i just want to post and say i'm still around :) just been a bit busy turning into an adult to take up coding (or most of my hobbies, now that i think about it). am very flattered and shocked that people actually visit this site, though! thank you! even if you hated it.
1 like
vamp lovers was updated.
1 year ago
vamp lovers was updated.
1 year ago
vamp lovers was updated.
1 year ago
GOOD LORD IT'S BEEN A WHILE HASN'T IT??? stay tuned my pals and friends i'll hopefully be working more on this soon! although i'm not hyperfixated on buffy anymore so... we'll see how this works out
vamp lovers was updated.
2 years ago
vamp lovers was updated.
2 years ago
vamp lovers was updated.
2 years ago
vamp lovers was updated.
2 years ago

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedJan 5, 2022
Site Traffic Stats


retro vampires 2000s emo alternative