Site audio d'Uncle $crooge - Accueil

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I love this beginning :"Je t'apprécie tel le vaste ciel étoilé De la nuit argentée qui scintille sur la mer"
Enfin il ralentit Se fige, sa figure blême Devant un cercueil Qu’il n’ose ouvrir Debout, Immobile Au-dessus du cercueil couché et raide
Sometimes it's hard to believe that Rachmaninoff was only 18 when he composed this piece. For those that don't know the story behind it: it is said that Rachmaninoff had a dream where he was at a funeral, and in the distance was a coffin. At 1:24 begins walking towards it, faster and faster. At 2:09 he opens it and... finds himself inside.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedFeb 4, 2023
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