The Unchallenged Sky

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i said i'd do it and it's done: i drew her here, but i hope i got her hair and robe right!
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unchallenged-sky 2 years ago

That's beautiful, thank you so much!!!

capaxinfiniti 2 years ago

i can't comment for some reason (;-;), but i just wanted to say that prince wenrong is super cute (love me an anxious man) and i want to draw liuying becuse you describe her SO beautifully

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unchallenged-sky 2 years ago

@capaxinfiniti thank you so much! Prince Wenrong can hold so much anxiety lmao. He and Ao Luming bond over it. And please link me the art! I tried making a comment box but I wasn't ready to commit to disqus or comment box and force people to sign in.

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I haven't finished reading yet because it's crunch time in school but I adore the writing style and the setting so much! Looking forward to following this!
i have a feeling that the golden carp is going to become a major character if anything bad happens to the village ;-;
this story is so beautifully written, almost like a poem! i couldn't find a place so comment, but i'm looking forward to reading more
unchallenged-sky 2 years ago

You have no idea how meaningful this comment is-I've been revamping the story, debating if this is the right home for it, and this comment really helped solidify that yes, this is the place. Thank you so much for reading!


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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 18, 2022
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serial fiction fantasy xianxia chinese