Stories From Chao

49 updates
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Hello dear readers, just wanted to give a quick update as to the status of our next piece of lore. The interview with Malkhovich is going to take a bit longer than expected as there is a lot more here to unpack than we had previously anticipated. Nevertheless, we will continue to ensure that all information is engaging and, most of all, accurate. Thank you for your patience. For Clarity Across All Timelines
Pushed a small update to fix the Lords awful sidebar contrast and implemented the Save system story wide. Improvements to the system will come soon. -For Clarity Across All Timelines - The Oculus Research Group
Update: 7/20/2021 Content: None at this time Changes: Implemented the groundwork for a Save/Load system. Please disregard for now. Fixes: Fixed some typos and clarity issue in the interviews with Tetra and Lady Noctum. For Clarity Across All Timelines - The Oculus Research Group
Sorry for the delay dear readers, however, The Oculus Research Group is proud to announce that the interview with Lady Noctum is now live! Please let me know your thoughts on our esteemed guest as we conduct interviews with the next member of the Netherian Army - The Oculus Research Group
Wow, this update is taking much longer than I expected. Lady Noctum is an extremely generous interviewee, but of course that means it's going to be just a bit longer before we can post the next update. Thank you for your patience - The Oculus Research Group
Hello lovely readers! This is the Oculus Research Group here letting you know that our wait period is finally over and we can now post updates in regards to Stories From Chao right here on our site! We will be posting frequent but irregular updates to the compendium on this site for your viewing pleasure so please keep an eye out for any changes, and as always, you can expect to see us again soon!

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJul 2, 2021
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