Sylvester McCoy Image and Sound Archive

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Amazing! I actually used to chat with Trina on DALnet #doctorwho waaaaaay back in the day! Think late 90s early 2000s. DALnet was an irc network and #doctorwhochat was at one time the most popular irc channel devoted to Doctor Who. It was founded by George (Drake) Solana. Drake died June 28, 2017...
rbuchanan 4 years ago

DALnet's still active. annusya and I chat on there and BSDUnix all the time...

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lsuzkxbziosbd 4 years ago

Might put that on my Win ME comp.

scifirenegade 4 years ago

OMG really?? And DALnet's still alive?? Truly I must check it out and if there's still a Doctor Who chat, I may as well add it on about :D

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billsworld 4 years ago

the cjhannel was actually named #drwhochat last I looked it had been abandoned long before Drake passed.

If there are any broken links, please tell me

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CreatedFeb 18, 2020
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