[Spamtoon Neocities]

189 updates
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Greetings! I am the website formerly known as MartyCPWT. I have been neglecting my site, admittedly, and I noticed that you put my site on yours for viewing. There have been some changes in my life, and I don't go by Marty anymore, nor do I expect to actually complete the project I once called "CPWT". As such, I have changed my website username and hope that you reflect this change in your link. I apologize for this.
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spamtoon 1 year ago

Excellent site btw there just wasn't enough room. sorry that i was being like. formal my berdly instincts activate whenever i have to ask someone to do something this isnt an email dummy just be direct about it

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gummywormhydra 1 year ago

im sry but the super formal tone made me giggle a tiny bit..

thechillzone 1 year ago

lol its all good!! i will make sure to do that :) and thank you!!

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedDec 7, 2022
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