roe's spot

1 follower
261 updates
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hi, i just now found your web-site and am enamoured of your writing. there is something really honest and beautifully simple - but its captivating.. i hope to see more of your creations and website in the future ..hope you have a wonderful daytoday ^_^
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roeurboat 10 months ago

Omg thank you so much! I havent updated in a long time cause of school, but it means so much to me that ppl are actually finding my site and reading my work. i cant thank u enough :D also is there a particular poem/line u liked, i always like knowing

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veggiegirl 10 months ago

i really loved "self-portrait as disappearing act"...i will for sure read some more :D

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roeurboat 10 months ago

Ooooo what was ur fav line from "self-portrait"

veggiegirl 10 months ago

its really difficult to choose one favorite wow.. i think itll be "Sometimes your blood spills like a newborn and sometimes it spills like ink. You cry every time." but the last lines of each section of the poem are all really strong. and impactful

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJul 30, 2023
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