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hey I noticed that you a gif on your website and I was wondering how you made it I usally use pixler since its free but I cant edit gifs on it so I was wondering how you did it your self if you used adobe photo shop than it doesnt matter because IM NOT PAYING FOR ANYTHING especially not photo shop thats a monthly fee thats evil and shity and I hate it and im a little pissed I could find anything
reppy8 3 weeks ago

if you're talking about making the still images into a gif I don't really remember but I think I used either or I made a 2 frame video and just converted it into a gif somewhere (which can also be done on ezgif). sorry if that's not what you meant

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cult-master-status 3 weeks ago

no not really what I meant but thats still usefull information for me thank you (≧◡≦) ♡

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedDec 11, 2024
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art videogames music drawing photography