Remalldere DSLH - Dumb shit lives here

1 follower
1,176 updates
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EEE! I love this comic so much, just discovered it today and ended up reading it through all in one sitting, couldn't put it down :p
chillithevampireopossum 2 years ago

aaa tysm!! glad ya like the comic!

In terms of updates, I *tenatively* plan on uploading at least 1 page per week (Mondays), to align with school and stuff. Apologies in advance if I miss a week.
Some of the code was a bit tricky, but ive been re-learning js and css so its gotten easier. Modern css is SOOO much better than it used to be.
Status Update: The main body of the site is now complete! Which means the whole thing is finally up and running and ready for viewing :p

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedOct 23, 2022
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