Ray's Bobbles - Home

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I'm back! now I can fix the things that were broken from before. Mwahahahah!
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Hey! just wanted to say thanks for the follow and your website looks great!
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Hey hey, as a heads up, I might be gone for a while due to hurricane. I'll be fine, I'm in a non evac area and have stuff for 3 weeks. Just know I'll just be out for a while :p
Argh, looking at my site through another monitor is definitely Showing Me Things tm and I want to fix them but can't rn so now I'm just pouting.
Got minorly distracted, found out there's a self-insert webring. Found out it's closed. :[. Anyways, neat to know atleast! It's cool seeing s/i being such a big thing. Kid me would be so excited right now.

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedAug 2, 2023
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