Mystik Haven- FFIX Fansite

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I've finished the long undertaking of recoding all of the fiction in the Library section! Lots of retro fic to be had there! And this honestly concludes all of the updates needed to restore this site to where it was on its last update in 2001!
The entire Mystik Haven story section has been updated and is now live to view! I also created a new page for the Guestbook - you can view the original guestbook or sign the new one!
I finished re-coding and uploading all the pages for the Art Gallery! I also installed a javascript modal instead of using individual pages for each image - saved a lot of time and some webspace! There are many artists who contributed to this FFIX gallery back in the day, and I still appreciate all of their work!
Today I’ve finished updating all of the pages in the Doujinshi section. I only ever uploaded images from one book called “Fantasista” – you can see the credits to the artists involved in making the work on those pages.
I'm working on restoring this old site that saw its last update in 2001. So far, I've just uploaded the main foundation of this site today. Right now, there's not a lot to see here. I need to go through the old HTML and fix things up on the remaining pages (I used to hardcode stuff, bad me!) before I put them here.

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedOct 22, 2021
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art videogames writing finalfantasy gaming