Miss Moss

4,034 updates
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I'm curious. What's the number for on your button form? I just chose one at random.
missmoss 5 years ago

Oh, it actually helps me decide what order to place the buttons in on my site! Cathedral Zero is first because they picked zero, but if anyone chooses a negative number then they will be placed in front of them.

1 like
I really like the pixellated rain scheme you have too. Matter of fact, the more pixel art/animations on the Web, the better, I think. :)
missmoss 5 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, and thank you! It means a lot to me, seeing how it's my favorite site theme so far.

arkmsworld 5 years ago

Oh, no worries, there's no "late" here. We're just relaxin' on Web 1.0 time....

Thanks for the follow :3
1 like
Thank you for the follow!
1 like
Miss Moss was updated.
5 years ago
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i did ur btn form yesterday
missmoss 5 years ago

So sorry, adding your button now.

missmoss 5 years ago

Actually, your button link is broken.

missmoss 5 years ago

There we go! Adding it now!

missmoss 5 years ago

Uh, do you think you could fill out the form thingy again? I forgot the number you added.

elementz 5 years ago

ok just redid the form

Miss Moss was updated.
5 years ago
1 like
Thanks for the follow!~
I filled out your button form. Put your button at the bottom of my index page, too
1 like
missmoss 5 years ago

Why thank you!

Miss Moss was updated.
5 years ago

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedDec 30, 2017
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