Memento Majora

192 updates
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genuinely love this site and the entire concept behind it. it is very silly but there is so much love and care put into it as well that shines through; im enamored with all the art, it adds such a good personal touch and remind me of my own notebooks from childhood filled with video game notes, goals, and of course my own drawings of items/characters/etc. this site is just fantastic, looking forward to seeing it grow
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oh, i adore this site so much..this is the kind of website i love. it doesnt have to be cluttered with ads and popups to get its idea across and it can run on pretty much anything. at the same time its obviously loved and handmade. zelda also has a special place in my heart, so this makes me happy. keep doing what you're doing and have fun :)
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Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedFeb 28, 2024
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videogames majora zelda