775 updates
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Hello!! Thank you for the follow! <3 I love your page's style! Plus I love the bird mascot so much; this species is also from my country -called Zorzal-. Happy to see other people who also love it 🧡🤎
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lars-sabia 12 months ago

thank you :), I also love the macaws on your page

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Been a long time since I've worked on the BW fansite, so happy the slideshow works better!!! My goal is to finish and finally bring too the Minor BW Appearances page, alongside finishing the new Main Plot sections.
Update Log: Besides adding new pages; I'm also cleaning up older ones. BW's story was the one a fix-it the most, specially with how atrocious the slideshow code was. I've had an upgraded version since February, but I forgot to add it a long while ago. So, here it goes. I'm still trying to unfuck the page however, so things WILL look wonky. Bear with me, please!
mburucuya 1 year ago

I've been also updating the CSS as to optimize the size of the header, but its not updating visually to me. Please wait a bit longer.

mburucuya 1 year ago

Unfortunately because of what I did the header looks rather weird. Please CSS, update soon...!

Today's a special day, and I want to celebrate it as such. The Kamase section has been added! I'll debug it tomorrow, I'm too tired right now.

Website Stats

Last updated 12 months ago
CreatedDec 8, 2022
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shrines cultures coding anime nature