Lime Angel | The Website

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"Peter Griffin vs. The Big Washing Machine" is out now!
Taylor Swift today, Lime Angel Tomorrow. My 17th album "Peter Griffin vs. The Big Washing Machine" will drop on 4/20/2024.
New "misc_downloads" uploads, "Certified Horse Classic" and "Alien Party Banger 2046."
4 of my releases are on streaming right now. I had to remove "The Baconator" from streaming services because of the concern over the WordGirl sample in track 3.
lime-angel 3 months ago

"Lobster Attack" will also not be on streaming services due to uncleared samples in the interlude "YBBARK"

lime-angel 3 months ago

That's exactly a quarter of my discography, crazy.

lime-angel 3 months ago

Three quarters of my discography have uncleared samples, which is why i mainly have my entire discography available as free downloads on a website.

4 of my releases are on streaming right now. I had to remove "The Baconator

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedAug 6, 2022
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