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Last-Subs was updated.
3 years ago
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Newer, more powerful news midis.
The Last-Subs homepage is now uhh WCAG 2.1 AA accessible. What this means is that the foreground color contrast has been increased slightly, the image has been given an alt property, and the overall font size has been slightly jacked up. In addition, there's now a Play MIDI button for Chrome and Edge users whose browsers block sound autoplay.
The music hosting site died, so i've made a new solution that uses a Midi player, which might speed the page up a bit. The downside is that Last-Subs is now tainted with Javascript, but if you care you can run NoScript. It might not work for Chrome users due to autoplaying audio blocking, or it might only kick in after 60 seconds.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedAug 17, 2015
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fansubs fansub anime