Humbird0's Lab

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What an interesting coincidence that I used RPG Maker 2003 for about 8 years too, before I finally dove into Flash. I have some pictures of some of my old tricks here.
humbird0 23 hours ago

One of my most insane tricks was calculating a straight-line distance between two points on the screen to do accurate collision detection for projectiles moving in arbitrary directions. I used a loop to figure out square roots using brute-force guesses until I found the one that was "closest", then I used that in a pythagreon therom formula to get the distance. It was really hard on the CPU.

humbird0 23 hours ago

My craziest trick was simulating programming objects. I had a set of variables and I read an enemy sprite's X Y position, then its event id, then looped through all the variables to find that id, then treated the variables next to that as that enemy's data. I would do this EVERY FRAME to read how many HP that enemy has and then do checks for damage or whether it just died. EVERY FRAME. The scripting was a nightmare.

humbird0 23 hours ago

... That whole simulated object trick actually worked. But you do NOT want to write scripts like these. But it did allow me to create a real-time zelda style combat system for my NSFW game.

I added yet another naughty pixel art picture of Sally. This time showing off some string panties. After all, it's more than she usually wears. ;-)
Updated my standing sway sprite animation with another version of the sprite.
I added a SFW blog post to my site about Why I Admire the Furry Fandom. They're the modern hippies of the internet, and masters of the IndieWeb craft.
Last year I redesigned my website from the ground up to have kind of a Chrono Trigger theme. I talk all about how I designed and programmed everything on my Mastodon project feed.
My personal website is on Neocities now... kind of. This is actually a JavaScript redirect because I already made my website, but I also want to support Neocities. It's hand-crafted using Hugo to help generate the pages.

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMay 31, 2024
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nsfw furry pixelart gamedev personal