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Hello! I'm extremely new to this site and your guide was so helpful, but I am not quite sure what I'm doing still. I'm not sure if you can help with this, but for some reason the text does not show up or something? I don't know, but your guide was super helpful in whole!
lopster 5 days ago

thats bcz both ur bg and font are black, try changing the text color

radiationcat 5 days ago

if you want to change the text color(because right now its black, thats why it wont show up!) without messing with css, you can easily add the style=color: attribute to your brackets! you cant use hex codes, you need to use html color names, such as 'lime,' which is what your navbar is colored as :) you can find more colors by googling 'html color names' though

radiationcat 5 days ago

for some reason neocities doesnt lijke it when you type brackets straight up, i meant the 'p' bracket, which you use for paragraphs.

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CreatedDec 19, 2023
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