The Collage board!

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Bweh I just put a huge chunk of code into my site, and it isn't loading-but I've been assured it's simply due to the amount of new content. Even then, the type of cold-water nervousness I feel looking at the blank page still runs down my spine-
Oh my goodness I love your Loki Shrine!! I had no idea that they were associated with foxes or magpies! Thank you for rekindling my desire to read through the Agents of Asgard comics!
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overthesea 5 days ago

Thank you so much!! Yes haha, it has no basis in myth but the comic character has this association indeed. There’s even an alternate cover of AoA in which Loki is a fox!

Can anyone spare some kindness and offer me some assistance? I'm trying to figure out how to make the background of an image transparent, in order to place it over an existing box in my code. I've tried adjusting the opacity, and the visibility but it impacts the whole image rather than the white background. The asset itself is from if that matters at all.
fairygore 1 week ago

i usually use the site []. you upload your image and it removes the background + it has erase/restore tools for if it misses a spot or erases something that you don't want removed

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elwind-cervus 5 days ago

Thank you so much!

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Last updated 1 hour ago
CreatedFeb 24, 2025
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