Blanked's Cool Ass Page (W.I.P.)

353 updates
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DAMNIT it's broken on mobile again, it's 1 A.M. fix it in the morning, mourning.
(Holy shit I forgot the tags, how the hell did this site run at all???)
im only now realizing that the previous post was my first post actually related to my website! ive felt pretty tired in the last 2 years, which is why i barely touched this page, but this time im LOCKING the HELL IN!
wHOOO!!! adding that thingamabob at the bottom took a bit, next up im planning to whip up a cool lookin nav bar! with thingies that pop up when u hover over the items in it n' stuff! of course, the items in the navbar wont lead anywhere because im literally STILL working on the index, but i want to get everything ready to go so i can get working on the other things i plan to do...

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedDec 3, 2022
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