Unnamed/Untitled Riddle

2,244 updates
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HAHAHA fuck i accidentally did an oopsie
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thanks for the follow (guh)
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changed level 66 and the folder name of level 64-72, since some idiot site named google decided to make level 67 visible to the public
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theworstwebpuzzle 1 year ago

is the answer checkbreaks.htm

when i try to access your webpage, it says that they're trying to steal my info?? maybe that happened because of the URL change
wiichicken 1 year ago

yeah that happened, im still trying to figure out how a certificate works

i hate it when riddle creators dont take pictures in real life. like come on get yo ass out of pixabay and start walking
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it would be scary if someone doxxed a riddle creator based on the images they used
Level 39 is a nightmare
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huhh?? i posted my other post on another riddle
unnamedriddle 1 year ago

just deleted it, it was supposed to be on my account but it was there because of my crappy computer

ugghhhh running out of ideas is a pain because i want to do level 74 again

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 7, 2023
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cobblehtm riddle puzzle