and if a five nights at freddy's bus

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sillyparticles 9 months ago

super bored today. making a bunch of stamps to pass the time :]

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sillyparticles 10 months ago

couple small updates !! added a page for stamps ive made + removed the drag box til i actually figure out a use for it !!

sillyparticles 1 year ago

andddd all images should be rehosted thru imgur now !!! hotlink 2 ur hearts content ;]

also unsure about the current setup for petsites?? i made it its own directory to keep it more separate but im immensely regretting it for what a headache its been... hopefully once im back home ill update all the pages with what i have in my files currently !!! and rehost my storage 100% thru imgur since i noticed i lost a couple dividers due to carrds getting deleted heem
sillyparticles 1 year ago

since my storage page is supposed to be keeping my files clean i dont hold onto the files hosted there so those dividers are kinda just. gone. maybe ill invest in a flashdrive for that kinda stuff?? id hate to lose more due to imgur eventually shutting down or deleting older images etc

sillyparticles 1 year ago

GOD IM SO SORRY FOR HAVING 2 EDIT THIS THRU NEOCITIES SOB having 2 switch between notepad++ and the neocities editor cause of. things

what WOULD happen if a five nights at freddys bus?

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedOct 17, 2021
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