thinking abt how funny that test page must look 2 anyone who doesnt know what itz testing (i want 2 eventually change the homepage pagedoll 2 change every month automatically and im using that page 2 test the code 4 it)
(if thiz already existz then neither of uz know abt it yet... tbh i should join some webringz or something but im anxiouz az all hell abt that lmfao)
DISTRACTION!!!!!!!!! look i added another journal entry and added a link 4 it to the navbar :33
BTW aster showed me how 2 fix the little floating guy thatz on the top of the boxez so that it doesnt shift around weirdly w different screen sizez so ill probably get that fixed soon
btw i will put the journal on the navbar soon i am just tired and being lazy abt it rn lol