Paradise Skies ~ My Website!

137 updates
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I totally need to update my site more. Maybe I should write a diary post..
Updates! New diary entry, new idea added to project page!
paradisepark 3 years ago

Oh! And replied to guestbook entries ;-; sorry if it took me a while.

New picture on homepage! Small update but looks so much cleaner compared to the old one x_x
Gahh! Website layout download is down :/ I'll get on that now. Thanks for letting me know, y'know who you are! nwn
Cool idea, keep it up tiny horse
1 like
paradisepark 3 years ago

Thank you! ;-; I need to update more often, though! Things have just been super busy lately.

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Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedDec 19, 2020
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