...on the 12th floor

3,656 updates
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ok update i'm going with super minimalist
Ok, so I'm a really indecisive person and I've been trying to decide if I should just leave the website be and keep what I have online, or just completely scrap it and go full on minimalist and only have like 3 pages (which would be "i like music" and link to the respective places, the blog, and the links page).
Woah... I've gotten 26,000 views. That's cool.
I'm probably going to check back here for other people's updates, and I also might start updating this site if I feel like it. But I'm going to project more energy into the P5 site.
Hey... quick minor update. So I got the Pizzicato Five Bootleg book, which is probably one of P5's rarest releases and it's going to be a major factor in helping me update the P5 fan site, and has re-inspired me with the P5 site, so I will update the P5 site. This site won't probably be updated in awhile, but I might come back on here and update you on my life if anyone cares. Contact me on my P5 for quicker contact.
ok so um i haven’t been on here in awhile and don’t expect me to be here. i’m probably leaving neocities. i have neither the time nor the joy to continue to update the site and i’m pursuing new hobbies. i might come back when i have the motivation to do so but that’s not going to be awhile. i would like to say other stuff but i can’t think of anything else, so i guess i’ll see you all later i guess.
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strata 5 years ago

See you!

tinypaws 5 years ago

Hey as long as you update when you can is all that matters. real life(hobbies included) should always come first :D take care an good luck out there yo!

nekojiru 5 years ago

Your reasons for leaving neocities are perfectly understandable and valid. That being said though, I wish you nothing but the best! :)

spacemako 5 years ago

Aww. You will be missed ):. Best of luck with yr new hobbies and... you can always drop by here to say hi!

teddybear-halo 5 years ago

take care, friend! hope life treats you well, thank you for sharing some of your time with us, we'll cherish the memory ♥

turd 5 years ago

:( sad to see you go but wish you all the best!

happy really really late halloween i didn't do anything i just ate really dark chocolate and listened to the leaked tracks from the orbit fanclub cd for an hour straight then went to bed that was my halloween... btw if you didn't notice last year (that's fine if you didn't no one knew me on here last year) i don't do halloween. so blast me for that
mariteaux 5 years ago

Yeah but where are the album reviews :blobpeek:

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tinypaws 5 years ago

SHAME ON YOU!!! just kidding. honestly i dont do halloween either past watching a few scary movies an eating candy as well. plus i live out in the boonies where everyone lives spread out too far apart to wanna go trick-or-treating an no one decorates their house/yard out here for it anyway. though i did make my dog suffer wearing a tiny witches hat(was actually a hair clip i balanced on her head) LOL

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me just setting myself up for being called "the person who spam follows everyone" (btw 1. i'm sorry that i literally follow 15 people in 30 seconds 2. i don't care 3. neocities group multiple feed stuff together 4. thanks mariteaux for the nice comment)
mariteaux 5 years ago

fuck the maga bomber, keep an eye out for the followbomber

So this reviewing this is honestly going to be more of an album log, because most of the albums recommended to me are from myself wanting to listen to my tangled mess that is called my iTunes library, and only a few albums have actually been recommended to me. So have fun reading through this when I manage to finish this update.

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedSep 17, 2017
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