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V3.0; 情節改變。現在你扮演的不是我。 Plot change. Now you are no longer playing as me.
ns3416 5 months ago

加了歌單評述。 Added playlist commentary.

ns3416 6 months ago

發布了零空 910(新遊戲,《受死令》)。 Released Nullspace 910 (a new game, SOULSLINGER).

ns3416 6 months ago

為了道德憂慮把裂天俠改名為死象。把幽闇與友情的 HTML 檔搬到自己的網頁。 Changed the name of Skybreakers to Four Deaths due to ethical concerns. Moved HTML for Shadows & Friendship to its own page.

ns3416 6 months ago

長話短說,「裂天」這名字源自別的 TRPG 中寫的一句,但據我所知,寫了那句的設計師想跟我完全絕交。我自己做了檢討,決定繼續利用源自他遊戲的名字是在侵犯個人邊界,最好是去創個新名。

ns3416 6 months ago

To make a long story short, the name "Skybreaker" was originally derived from a line in a TTRPG by a designer who, to my knowledge, doesn't want anything to do with me. I did some reflection and concluded that continuing to use a name derived from their game was a breach of their boundaries, and that the best solution would be to come up with a new name altogether.

ns3416 6 months ago

加了閃爍畫面和虛幻的內容警告。加了出口,以後會在裡面放更多遊戲。 Added content warnings for flashing visuals and unreality. Added Exit, which will eventually contain more games.

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CreatedMar 27, 2022
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