Fantasy Bit

3,244 updates
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Just making a few small updates here and there, I'm still slowly working on new pages.
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Added more art that I might use to make stickers to give out at a future convention, if I find a good quality reasonably priced printing option. I also updated the layout archive as it usually happens when I upload a new page with a new design... which means that there is finally a new page. Beware the Call, a page about my call of Cthulhu characters. So far I only have one, but maybe I'll add more later.
Updated the links page, I've also been trying to link back if a another site links me though they don't always tell me they have lol. That's ok, you're welcome to link me if you want. I've also been following back if someone follows me.

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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedJan 21, 2024
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