The Manifesto of squish.

77 updates
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I wrote this manifesto because, in all honesty, I can't take it anymore. I almost broke down for the first time today in the middle of class because of this stress I've bottled up over the past half decade. I don't care if you decide not to read this, but if you do, thank you.
unhallowed 9 months ago

I read it. I just wanted to say that if you ever want/need to talk or anything like that you can hmu. I know we don't know each other and I am just an internet stranger and there isn't much I can do to help but I will talk or just listen if you would like. Please take care of yourself.

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manifesto-of-squish 9 months ago

thanks, i really appreciate that, truly

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedMay 9, 2024
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manifesto squish depression