L i t t l e R u i n

176 updates
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thank you for following me, and for leaving a nice comment on my guestbook~ ♥ welcome to Neocities, i hope you enjoy your time here! i'm enjoying your photography--'summer '18' is my favorite, those photos are so peaceful~ ^^
littleruin 6 years ago

Thank you so much~! Those were taken by my boyfriend during a camping trip at Lost Maples. It's a very beautiful and well-kept park. I love it so much. <3 Also, sorry it took 3 weeks to respond. I've been neglecting my website for awhile.

littleruin 6 years ago

Lolol nevermind. I forgot I had an album titled 'Lost Maples'. The 'Summer '18' album was in fact taken by me, at a park near where I live.

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Last updated 6 years ago
CreatedJun 15, 2018
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