
2,074 updates
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this is a really cool story so far, have you got a button that i could put on my site? i want to support it lol
iversia 6 months ago

Thank you so much!!! I never made one before so I had to look it up but heres my source code: "". You should be able to copypaste that right into your website. Thanks!!

iversia 6 months ago

AGH! it keeps deleting my code! I have it on my front page if u do the control+u thing, sorry. But thank you so much!! :D

1 like
blah blah blah. new revamp of iversia is up, im doing this now. yahoo!
hey, thanks for following me everyone! if you like this go see my other website, etriacdensity! theyre all connected in this long weird plot and im actually planning to rework iversia soon in a remake kind of, since its been a very long time and i have a lot i want to do with it. thanks!

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedApr 17, 2020
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webcomic art comics scifi photonics