Ghoulish Webpage!!!

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How did you get the background of your textboxes blue like that???? thats so cool. tysm for visiting my site!!!
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velvetblue 7 months ago

basically, the textbox backgrounds are just the image i use for my table backgrounds (, but edited a lot. first, i take the original background, and manually edit it to a certain height and width for how big i want the textbox to be. then, i apply the blurred edges effect using this (

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velvetblue 7 months ago

also thanks, your sites awesome!!

Hey! i think it was you who left the message abt division margins! tysm!!!!!!!!! super helpful to know and way less cluttered now.
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ghoulishweb 7 months ago

also ur art is good

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asterhalloween 7 months ago

it was meee! ^_^ also ty!!

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asterhalloween 7 months ago

WOOO boxes in boxes :D

Your site is so cool!! i used your css guides to get a basic understanding of css and now my site looks super cool!!!
super cool site! thx for the follow. yalls music is cool!
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theeverfreeforest 8 months ago

thank you so much!!! your website is cool too :] thank you so much for listening

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CreatedNov 9, 2023
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