Fusa OS

16 updates
0 tips
I love it the functionality of the down, but I just love the overall design. I've done something similar myself on my page and if you could join our discord server by searching us up on YouTube, it would be great. I think you should use a lot more code and JavaScript for the actual window functions like closing hiding and the actual taskbar
vmingle 1 month ago

Omga thank you for the advice. I'd love to join but I am a minor and am a complete beginner. Never done anything like this b4 I'm just guessing half the time ๐Ÿ’”. It sounds really cool though keep going strong!

fusaos 2 weeks ago

Thank you for your response, regardless of the fact that you may not be professional when it comes to HTML, we would love to have you join our discord server to help it out, we were all beginners at one point in fact, I still consider myself a beginner, Coding is not made of 100% knowing what to do 90% of it is just guessing along the way, we would love to have you join our discord

fusaos 2 weeks ago

Please go to our website

fusaos 2 weeks ago

fusaos 2 weeks ago

Today we made one of our biggest updates to every single website and we updated every design so that it is stunning and features a new environments app, we would appreciate it if you could spread the word to people you know and anyone else who is interested in computers maybe we can get somewhere, The problem right now is that no one knows about us and itโ€™s getting kinda hard coding with four other people

Something lovely you've got going on here!
fusaos 1 month ago

I would like to give a thank you to the people who have viewed this, I am learning about HTML as I go right now and this is not our main website, if you search up fusa os on Google, you will see a page that has our actual one along with multiple different versions

fusaos 1 month ago

If any of you who are reading, this could join the discord server on my YouTube channel. It would be great. We need people to help work on this

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Last updated 8 hours ago
CreatedJan 12, 2025
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html os operating system