
593 updates
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F277f4 was updated.
1 week ago
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f277f4 1 week ago

Added this, it's shoddy but will have to do for now

1 like
Just finished most of a pretty big project. I haven't added the last feature, but not a lot of people have a reason to make a custom blueprint for now at least. Also I might not finish that ceramics page...
F277f4 was updated.
1 week ago
F277f4 was updated.
2 weeks ago
Did an update on the CSS and added some more artworks for now. Don't know when the ceramic page will happen but maybe soon
F277f4 was updated.
2 months ago
1 like
Finally did something with the linkages link (icon still sucks, but I am probably not going to change it in a while). Now to either add more linkage pages or finally add some ceramics. Also the single gif I put in the basics page is 10 MB 😐. Can't do much about it though as I simply don't have the time
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jalict 2 months ago

Amazing work! :-)

F277f4 was updated.
2 months ago
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F277f4 was updated.
3 months ago
1 like

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 13, 2022
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furry art physics personal