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Pages 1 and 2 are currently experiencing real weird image issues. My next priority is to actually overhaul the images (png -> jpeg format) which will hopefully mitigate these issues. I'm also hoping to integrate three more things soon: twine support, image albums, and eventually, responsive design which should make the site more hospitable to mobile. I'm hoping to get all three of those things done soon-ish.
ex-nihilo 2 years ago

Responsive design is going to be the largest of those three tasks to implement but the sooner it’s done, the better. Twine is very easily integrated and the image albums shouldn’t require more than a cache smash on your end, if that. Responsive design isn’t going to really be that difficult to implement but working the proportions out to look good on most devices will probably take me a while.

ex-nihilo 2 years ago

For those of you struggling to see stuff as intended, I design the comic on a 1366 × 768px screen. this is a different proportion to most smartphones, and is more similar to a tablet or desktop. Hence, when I use pixel measurements on my desktop screen, stuff looks weird on a differently proportioned smartphone. when I implement it, it’s gonna be easier to view on mobile, but excuse it until it does.

Hi. Page 2 is nearly done, and should be up within the next few days. Updates should be more frequent from here on out.
Hi, Sorry for the delay. Page 2 should’ve been published by now but some issues with schoolwork have meant I’ve had very little time to draw. I should be able to continue with it at the beginning of April. Thanks, D.F Whitlock

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedNov 7, 2021
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art writing worldbuilding comic storytelling