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Duckroll was updated.
5 months ago
cool recreation
Duckroll was updated.
5 months ago
Duckroll was updated.
5 months ago
Duckroll was updated.
5 months ago
Duckroll was updated.
5 months ago
Duckroll was updated.
5 months ago
Duckroll was updated.
5 months ago
when i messaged you i accidentally deleted the post
duckroll 5 months ago

but i wanted to tell you that when i uploaded my banner, it cropped the image

duckroll 5 months ago

im just gonna upload it, hope it resizes

duckroll 5 months ago

i'll put the code given at the bottom of my site

cyberpub 5 months ago

Please tell me how you like the implementation.

cyberpub 5 months ago

(It is not the web ring, I initially planned, but I will improve it and tell you, as soon as it is finished, the benefit will be, that you implement it once and your banner will be shown on all partner websites)

duckroll 5 months ago

i guess just put the logo where ever you like.

duckroll 5 months ago

also your site homepage is down

Duckroll was updated.
5 months ago

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJan 11, 2024
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