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I love your blog! And I love that you cite sources for your claims. Also, I read in one of your posts that Firefox is basically owned by Google. I didn't know this! I don't use Firefox directly. I use one called LibreWolf, which claims to be a custom independent version of Firefox. I'm curious how you feel about that browser, and which browser you'd recommend for maximum user privacy and security?
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freespeechwebring 1 year ago

Also just a heads up, I tried to subscribe to your RSS feed with the link you gave on your site but it gives me an error. :( I'd love to follow you via RSS if you manage to get it working again!

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backlit 1 year ago

Hi. Many thanks for the kind feedback, and the heads up on the RSS issue. I've investigated and corrected some corrupt XML. It's loading as expected for me now, but if it's still not working for you I'd be really grateful if you could let me know. Good choice on Librewolf. I too use it. It has no telemetry and is in a different league from Firefox in privacy terms. I definitely wouldn't recommend against it.

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freespeechwebring 1 year ago

The RSS Feed is working correctly now! :) All seems to be resolved. And thank you for your feedback about Librewolf! I've been having a bit of trouble with that web browser, however that I'm wondering if you've experienced this issue? I find throughout the day as I'm using it, it randomly logs me out of websites I'm using. I haven't closed the browser so I'm not sure what to make of it. Have you experienced this?

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedNov 17, 2021
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privacy freedom surveillance