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RJ's WEBSITE was updated.
1 month ago
RJ's WEBSITE was updated.
8 months ago
ok extremely broken prototype up now. ill continue to work onit
huh.. soon it'll be 2 years since I even started on this. Still nowhere near close to the perfect site I want. I did learn how to use javascript at school though, so i'm getting closer..!
RJ's WEBSITE was updated.
1 year ago
probably gonna rework this site from the ground up
RJ's WEBSITE was updated.
2 years ago
sorry abt the frequent updates i update very occasionaly
43649 2 years ago

it's terribly embarassing that I didn't know that it's considered neocities etiquette to use a outside code editor instead of saving every couple seconds. whoops

RJ's WEBSITE was updated.
2 years ago

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedApr 1, 2021
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