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Nice website you have going here. I really like your artwork and look forward to seeing more of it. Keep up the good work!
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glassyhouse 2 years ago

omg thank you!! your site looks really cool too :-))

Nice website you have going here. I look forward to more updates. Keep up the good work!
Nice website. Like you, I am quite the Trekkie myself. What is your favorite series? I know I maybe in the minority but Voyager is my favorite (except for a couple of the season 2 episodes, especially that weird lizard one...). Keep up the good work!
cloudyhall 2 years ago

i love voyager! its my favorite as well. its more exciting than TNG in my opinion, and i love all the characters. they all have a great dynamic.

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pagespages 2 years ago

Then might I ask what your favorite movie is? Mine is the eighth one (First Contact).

1 like
Nice website! You seem to have good tastes when it comes to anime, honestly a lot of stuff that is popular nowadays is overrated. Additionally, we seem to have similar dislikes (however a greater pet peeve of mine are rabid fans of popular franchises). Keep up the good work!
0ekekddddd 2 years ago

nice to meet with like-minds. i feel sometimes that when people say they “like anime,” they like anime TROPES even though anime is just a style of art… and it just so happens that i dont really like anime tropes that much. anyway, thank you so much for the praise :)

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pagespages 2 years ago

Agreed on the tropes. It is not so bad with older shows which may have established these tropes, because at least they were creative at that time. The worst offender, in my opinion, is the shounen protagonist. But this trope was established by Osamu Tezuka, who created likable and relatable characters who, even if they were robots or animals, had problems which were quite human too.

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Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
otaking 2 years ago

Nice, links back to homepage and category pages.

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pagespages 2 years ago

Thank you, the links still have to be added to pages which have yet to be constructed.

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Nice website! As far as food reviews, you noted the disappointment that were Flamin' Hot Cheetos. I, like you, tend to find "Flamin' Hot" seasoned products underwhelming, however, in the United States, there is another spicy Cheetos flavor, one which contains cheese. The variety is known as Chili Cheese Fantastix and are near impossible to find in stores here. However, if you are interested, I have found two sellers.
itsyaboypedro 2 years ago

hey, thank you! :) i'll be in the US in june, so i'll definitely look for those around. i believe my partner has had those before, so they shouldn't be that hard to find where we'll be staying! a Ton of food reviews are coming soon, with my trip and all.

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pagespages 2 years ago

Just saw your message today. Sorry for the late reply, but I am glad to hear of your trip. A couple words of warning with foods in the U.S: 1. Avoid General Mills products, there was a recall of flour for traces of E. Coli. 2. Do not buy grocery store brand meat or poultry products, unless from a butcher section, the warning I gave for General Mills applies here too.

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pagespages 2 years ago

To elaborate on the General Mills recall, it is no longer active, but it lasted for over a year as multiple batches tested positive.

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Nice website you have going. Keep up the good work!
Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
letslearntogether 2 years ago

The only manga that I've been keeping up with regularly is Witch Hat Atelier. I want to check out Cells at Work! now though. Thank you for sharing!

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pagespages 2 years ago

You are welcome.

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Nice website you have going here. I really like your section on anime and look forward to seeing some more new content. Keep up the good work!
Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago

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