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Nice website! Love your concept for your site. Might I suggest going onto The Wayback Machine and going onto popular Otaku websites. They provide some very interesting finds as far as titles are concerned. Shows otherwise out of the contemporary otaku's eye are revealed.
Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
pagespages 2 years ago

What anime (preferably from 1960s-2000s) should I watch after finishing Space Battleship Yamato and Zenki? All suggestions are appreciated.

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2 years ago
Nice website. Love your screen name as well as your web content and tastes. Seeing that you like horror films, you should consider House of Wax (1953), it is a well produced production, but verges on being more in line with a murder mystery at times. The Abominable Doctor Phibes and The Beast Must Die (short cut, not extended or theatrical cuts) are also films that I found worth a watch. Keep up the good work!
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beaujean 1 year ago

Hello pagespages, thank you so much for your kind comment. And thank you for the movie recommendations, I will definetly check them out :)

1 like
Nice site. Your travelogues were nice reads and photos were lovely to look at. Seeing your auto imagery, I assume you like Initial D, if so, my music playlist has songs from the soundtrack, as well as songs related to the franchise. That aside, keep up the good work!
saint-images 2 years ago

Thank you, I'm really glad you've enjoyed my website. Initial D was a major turning point in my life as it was the first anime I watched, and it was the thing that sucked me into the Japanese cultural rabbit hole.

1 like
Nice website. I really like your Tokyo wallpapers on Flickr. I also look forward to more website developments in the future. Keep up the good work!
Nice website. Love your character design for Purin. I look forward to further updates. Keep up the good work!
1 like
purinland 2 years ago

Thank you so much !!*^^*

1 like
Nice website. Love your page layouts (and that koi background - SO CUTE). Anyway, I look forward to future developments of your website. Keep up the good work!
1 like
Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
Cool site with some really lovely styling. Seeing that you like Initial D you should check out my music playlist (bit of a shameless plug, I know). That aside, I look forward to further site developments. Keep up the good work!
1 like
x-squishy-mushroom-x 2 years ago

thank u!! <33 ive just had a nosey and take me higher is SUCH a good song!

1 like
pagespages 2 years ago

It is. Did you listen to the English or Japanese version? They are both good, but each version has different association in Japanese popular culture, the English version is more associated with Initial D, while the Japanese version was the main theme for Ultraman Tiga, hence the pun "Gonna Tiga take me higher" in the main line.

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CreatedMar 23, 2022
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