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Really cool webpage with some really nice fonts and effects. I would like to use your Dilbert button on my homepage, will you allow me to do so? That aside, keep up the good work!
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webpage-1990-colourised 2 years ago

I found it from a webpage who found it from a webpage who found it from a webpage, what right do I have to tell you no. : )

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pagespages 2 years ago

Thank you!

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Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
Cool site. Really like your work on Deviantart and look forward to seeing more of it. Keep up the good work!
Nice website. Your recreation of the N64 Kirby site is perfect and I love the early 2000s web aesthetic you have gone for. Keep up the good work!
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fluffylor 2 years ago

Thank you!! The early 2000's style looks great!!

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Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
Is Elemental Gelade a good show? If anyone of you have seen this, please let me know of your experience with it.
Nice website. You have captured Windows XP perfectly and I must commend you for this. Keep up the good work!
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44nifty 2 years ago

Thank you! Added your button to my site, and it brought the number of buttons up to 15, which made it a perfect 5x3 rectangle on a 1080p display, and a 3x5 rectangle on the Neocities preview images; so I have you to thank for that

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Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
Cool site, always liked early Windows programs (up to and including XP), nowadays, they just are not the same. That is why my computer of choice is a seven year old Chromebook. That aside, I look forward to developments of your websites. May I have the links to them?
Nice site. Your layouts are really nice and look like coding background themes, your landing page static is cool too. Keep up the good work!
1 like
yeagh 2 years ago

thanks :)

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CreatedMar 23, 2022
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