Page's Pages

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Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
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otaking 2 years ago

haha you really hate the great gatsby

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pagespages 2 years ago

You could say that again...

Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
otaking 2 years ago

Does the Bebop manga cover more story than the anime?

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pagespages 2 years ago

The Bebop manga does not contain any of the main plot that the anime does (but does make reference to it). It does, however, provide additional stories following the crew. (I should make this more clear in the review). Seeing your review of Bebop, I would not recommend it to you, as this manga is more intended for die-hard fans of the anime. However, if intrigued, then by all means, read it!

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As of April 29th, Page's Pages will have minimal updates on account of exams. The updates will mainly be revisions to make the site more user friendly. New pages of content and new completed reviews will resume by the end of May. Thank you for your understanding.
Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
Nice site. An arcade is opening up near me and there is a possibility that they will get Initial D: Arcade Stage installed. Have you played this game? I have always been interested in the franchise (though I have yet to get into it).
burstintotreats 2 years ago

I'm not into Initial D games, Wangan Midnight or anything like that (yet) but they are on my radar. Our last mainstream arcade closed during COVID so I no longer have access to an Outrun 2 machine.

pagespages 2 years ago

I am sorry to hear that. It seems that arcades are still popular where I live. Hopefully, you will have a new arcade to go to soon.

I am excited to see your website, once set up (which I am certain by the start of the week, will be). Will be watching your streams too, now that I know about them.
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Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
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pagespages 2 years ago

First major set of editing for grammatical errors, as well as spelling. Tokusatsu page finished and is now available on the main page. More work to come.

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otaking 2 years ago

I think it might be a good idea to add links to homepage on articles.

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pagespages 2 years ago

This sounds like a good idea. I will likely add this in the week, updates will be less frequent as I will be taking exams, but development should resume by the end of May.

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Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
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Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
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otaking 2 years ago

From that gif I looks the anime has thick borders. I haven't paid much attention to Chinese stuff probably cause a lot of it is fighting stuff.

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pagespages 2 years ago

Some involve fighting, but some are more slice of life/comedy type of shows. Chinese animation has three distinct forms, conventional art style as with much of Japanese anime today, 3D CGI anime taking inspiration from video game cut scenes (typically these have surround sound too) and a traditional art style with thick lines and flowing animation like this show. Hope this helps.

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I like your art and your usage of stippling effects.
cyclecyclecycle 2 years ago

Aww, Thank You!

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CreatedMar 23, 2022
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