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Two new pages have been added to The Fairy Ring; pages 18 and 19!
I should update The Fairy Ring, it's been a while... I REALLY need to make a schedule for that story. (Will almost certainly not be doing this.)
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Whoever invented DNS propagation time: fight me in the Burger King parking lot.
macaque 8 months ago

Can you tell that my domain name hasn't gone online yet

owlroost 8 months ago

Something relevant to read about DNS propogation while you wait (highly recommend her whole blog tbh, loads of neat info):

macaque 8 months ago

Huh! Didn't know most of this. Thanks for the info!

1 like
smokoswebzone 8 months ago

Domain/DNS stuff is such a pain in the ass. It definitely feels nice to have one's own special name for a website dgmw, but I can't recall exactly what I did to make it work. All I know was that it was tough to get up and running initially.

Nephro's comment made me check out the article and I would also like to comment and confirm that I am the same way with my fictional love. I very much engage with him through the lens of myself as my kintype - its so cool to see others who view it the same. I also went from the waifuism community to the selfshipping community because of the waifuism community being. Like that.
falconiforme 8 months ago

It’s nice to know others relate to it! I can’t get on your site to reference anything specifically right now but I will say your article on waifuism is what inspired me to write more about my own experiences with fictosexuality and with the related communities in my own article. Thank you for that, it’s always comforting to know there’s other people on Neocities who get where I’m coming from :)

Me, shaking and crying and throwing up trying not to have a panic attack because I dared to make A Purchase.
macaque 8 months ago

Don't mind the new Neocities supporter indicator, it's not important rn

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controlcoreangel 8 months ago

goofer with da new url

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I added an RSS update feed for my site, by the way! Plug it into RSS reader of choice, and get the latest major updates on my site!

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